Maestría en Estudios Transdisciplinares en Ciencia y Tecnología

Productividad académica relevante del programa de posgrado
Artículos de investigación
Maria O. Concha-Guzmán, Oscar A. Jaramillo-Quintero, Marina E Rincón “Modification of Graphene Oxide Membranes by the Incorporation of Nafion Macromolecules and Conductive Scaffolds”. Nanomaterials, 9, 556 (2019).
R.A Miranda Gamboa, O.A Jaramillo-Quintero, Y.A Alarcón Altamirano, M.O Concha-Guzmán, M. Rincón, “A novel nanocomposite based on NiOx-incorporated P3HT as hole transport material for Sb2S3 solar cells with enhanced device performance”, Journal of colloid and interface science, (2019).
M.O. Concha-Guzmán, C. Menchaca, J. Uruchurtu, M.E. Rincón, “Bilayer electrodes of TiO2-GO: influence of the interfacial properties on the electroreduction of graphene oxide” Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry. DOI 10.1007/s10008-015-2819-6 (2015).
O. Concha, I. Castañeda, R. Guardian, A. Marban, D. Mayorga, K. Cuentas, J. Uruchurtu, M. Rincón, C. Menchaca, “Formation of Porous Anodic Film on Titanium in Acid Media Containing Fluoride Ions at Low Over-potentials”, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci. (2015).
Rigoberto Sandoval Contreras, Diana Elizabeth Sánchez Andrade. Recursos forestales en México: crisis ambiental y cultura. Sociedades y Desigualdades, núm. 4, 109-125, ISSN: 2448-5217 (2017).
Muñoz, J. L. R., y Andrade, Diana. E. S. Declaratorias de veda en la subcuenca de Chapala:¿ medidas preventivas para la sobreexplotación de acuíferos subterráneos o incentivos para la industria?, Punto CUNORTE. No. 6, 18-193 (2019).
Pérez-Hernández, M., Hernández-González, M., Hidalgo-Aguirre, R. M., Amezcua-Gutiérrrez, C. & Guevara, M.A. (2017). Listening to a baby crying induces higher electroencephalographic synchronization among prefrontal, temporal and parietal cortices in adoptive mothers. Infant Behavior & Development, 47, 1-12, (2017).
Hernández-González, M., Hidalgo-Aguirre, R. M., Guevara, M. A., Pérez-Hernández, M., & Amezcua, C. (2016). Observing videos of a baby crying or smiling induces similar, but not identical, electroencephalographic responses in biological and adoptive mothers. Infant Behavior & Development, 42, 1-10 (2016).
Martínez-Pérez, R., Camacho-Ruiz, M. A., Estrada-Alvarado, I., Armenta-Pérez, V., & Camacho-Ruiz, R. Time-efficient pH-based method to quantify the activity of alkaline and halo-alkaline proteases. Revista mexicana de ingeniería química, 18(3), 1063-1071 (2019).
Robles-Machuca, M., Del Campo, M. M., Camacho-Ruiz, M. A., Ordaz, E., Zamora-Gonzalez, E. O., Muller-Santos, M., & Rodriguez, J. A. Comparative features between recombinant lipases CALA-like from U. maydis and CALA from C. antarctica in thermal stability and selectivity. Biotechnol Lett, 41(2), 241-252. doi: 10.1007/s10529-018-2630-4 (2019).
Sutto-Ortiz, P., Camacho-Ruiz, M. A., Kirchmayr, M. R., Camacho-Ruiz, R. M., Mateos-Diaz, J. C., Noiriel, A., Rodriguez, J. A. Screening of phospholipase A activity and its production by new actinomycete strains cultivated by solid-state fermentation. PeerJ, 5, e3524. doi: 10.7717/peerj.3524 (2017).
Nancy Mirto-Aguilar, José L. Palacios, Munoz A, Margarita Juárez, Yolanda Cruz. Neurourol Urodyn. Urethral regions with differential tissular composition may underlie urinary continence and voiding function in female rats. Mar;38(3):893-901. DOI: 10.1002/nau.23934 (2019).
Salazar BH, Hoffman KA, Zhang C, Zhang Y, Cruz Y, Boone T, Munoz A*Modulatory effects of intravesical P2X2/3R inhibition on the lower urinary tract electromyographic properties and voiding function of female rats with moderate or severe spinal cord injury. BJU-Int. Mar;123(3):538-547. doi: 10.1111/bju.14561. DOI: 10.1111/bju.14561. 8 (2019).
Zhang C, Zhang Y, Cruz Y, Boone T, Munoz A*. Synergistic activities of abdominal muscles are required for efficient micturition in anesthetized female mice. Int Neurourol J. Mar; 22(1):9-19. DOI: 10.5213/inj.1835052.526 (.2018)
Medina-Aguiñaga D, Munoz A, Luna M, Martinez-Moreno CG, Quintanar-Stephano A, Quintanar-Stephano JL. Administration of leuprolide acetate, a GnRH agonist, improves urodynamic parameters in ovariectomized rats. Neurourol Urodyn. June; 37(5): 1574-1582. DOI: 10.1002/nau.23505 (2018)